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mysql MySQL Ver. 8.0 mysql partition innodb 공간 데이터 Spatial Data xtrabackup innodb 1.1 Mysql 5.5 8.0 replication Bug Fix innobackupex mysql replication information_schema Spatial Function mysql 파티션 mysql partitioning partition mysqldump timestamp 공간 함수 MySQL Ver. 5.7 TCmalloc binary log show 구문 privileges grant datetime View install super innodb_autoinc_lock_mode Fractional Seconds Derived Table jemalloc InnoDB Ver. 1.1 innodb Version 1.1 mysql partition 제약사항 partition management InnoDB structure mysql 공부 mysql 시험 query cache information schema myisam binlog collation 5.7 execute Data Dictionary auto_increment Schema UTC account Dynamic Time System Table DD Table Serialized Dictionary Information mysql.ibd MySQL 8.0 global_grants max_connections user thread Receiver Thread MySQL Ver. 8.0.16 8.0.16 Spatial Reference System no_auto_value_on_zero persisted system variables persisted system variables LAST_INSERT_ID() default-time-zone UCA time_zone purge binary logs purge master logs log_output mysql 구조 mysql 실행계획 multi source replication multi-Source Replication innodb file format plugin Innodb mysql 파티셔닝 mysql partition limitation mysql 파티션 제약사항 mysql partition selection Partition 관리 MariaDB key partition mysql key partition hash partition mysql hash partition mysql list partition range partition mysql range partition mysql backup tool list partition mysql tool insert buffer socket file session_variables SESSION_STATUS processlist partitions KEY_COLUMN_USAGE global_variables GLOBAL_STATUS 동시 인서트 concurrent insert COLUMN_PRIVILEGES COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY COLLATIONS CHARACTER_SETS flush tables flush logs show slave status show profiles show profile show processlist show innodb status system variable Slow query REPEATABLE READ mysql admin admin command column_priv table_priv MySQL Backup now() create routine alter routine MySQL Cluster mysql internal mysql grant set password create user my.cnf basedir mysql 엔진 Timezone mysqlbinlog ISOLATION LEVEL Rollback Segment Engines persist mysql 설치 5.6 reset columns Subquery host Files Lock Static Binary Events variable SRS admin User SDI CHECK page Maria Plugins 시험 db thread set Point trigger 권한 connection date in-Memory Temporary Table on-Disk Temporary Table Global Temporary Tablespace Session Temporary Tablespace Temporary Tablespace 5.7.35 5.7.34 5.7.33 5.7.32 5.7.31 5.7.30 5.7.29 제약 사항 Dictionary Object Cache ibd2sdi 9.1.1 Unicode Collation Algorithm Pad Attribute UCA 9.0.0 dellocate prepare statement server side prepare statement stored routine codepoint utf8mb4_general_ci utf8mb4_bin 저장 순서 Secondary Index ProxySQL Segment Structure File Segment XDES Entry XDES I-Node user() current_user() Request Verification Connection Verification password_history role_edge proc_priv utf8mb4 phantom read non-repeatable read read-committed mysql version 8.0 max_used_connections skip_networking admin_port admin_address admin interface connection_control connection management Connection Control Connection Control Plugin flush hosts host cache host_cache_size skip_name_resolve Handskake response packet OK packet ERR packet Initial handshake protocol::Handshake transaction context row format statement format unsafe query binlog format log sequence number backup err sequence number Pessimistic Lock check contranit mysql 8.0.16 LineString MultiPolygon ST_MakeEnvelops ST_GeoHash ST_AsGeoJSON ST_Simplify ST_Validate ST_Overlaps MBREquals MBRCovers MBRWithin ST_Difference ST_Intersection ST_SymDifference ST_Union ST_STARTPoint ST_Centroid ST_ExteriorRing ST_GgometryN ST_NumGeometries ST_AsWKT ST_AsBinary ST_SwapXY 공간 데이터 함수 Spatial Data Function DROP SPATIAL INDEX ALTER SPATIAL INDEX CREATE SPATIAL INDEX Spatial Index Catersian SRS ID srid processlist_id thread_os_id thread id Ver 8.0 default_time_zone system-time-zone fractional 시스템 변수 설정 방법 Persisted Variables Persist Variables Persist System Variables undo log segments undo logs undo log record innodb_undo_directory alter undo tablespace create undo tablespace innodb_undo_log_truncate 숫자 형변환 CONVERT_TO_NULL '00:00:00' 00:00:00 auto_increment counter auto_inc bulk-inserts mixec_mode insert bulk_inserts simple-insert consecutive interleaved auto_increment_increment auto_increment_offset 74550 Connector bug Server Side Statement useServerPrepStmts PERSISIT sum() max connection datatime extent mysql data dictionary mysqld --initialize mysql bootstrapping mysql bootstrap mysql initialize n-gram 플러그인 파서 Plugin parser FullText Full-text performance_schema 5.7MySQL keyring framework Transparent Page Compression Innodb Transparent Page Compression innodb_temp_data_file_path InnoDB Intrinsic Table internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine Innodb Temporary Table innodb_lru_scan_depth PAGES_WRITTEN_RATE innodb_io_capacity_max innodb_log_write_ahead_size read-on-write log_sys->mutex Page Cleaner Thread index->lock contention mysql Ver. 5.7.9 curtime() system_time_zone MySQL TIMEZONE MySQL 시간대 json_keys json_append json_set json_merge json_remove json_replace json_array_insert json_insert json_search json_object json_array json_type json_valid json_extract vitural column generated columns view algorithm Outer table mysql 5.7.9 named derived table Derived in the future MySQL 5.7 3072 byte innodb_large_prefix innodb index restrict innodb index restriction innodb restrict 767 byte ERROR 1071 st_buffer Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables EPSG xbcrypt xbstream CURRENT_TIMESTAMP net_read_timeout net_write_timeout Lost connection Error 2013 MySQL Group Replication Group Replication 그룹 리플리케이션 ST_AsText optimizer_trace mysql_upgrade concurrent_insert purge log expire_logs_days log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes log_queries_not_using_indexes log_slow_slave_statements log_slow_admin_statement slow_query_log_file slow_query_log min_examined_row_limit long_query_time slow query log binary injection rlc binlog_row_event_max_size binlog_ binlog_format binary log format sql_log_bin fdatasync() sync_binlog max_binlog_stmt_cache_size max_binlog_size max_binlog_cache_size master_verify_checksum binlog_stmt_cache_size binlog_row_query_log_events binlog_row_image binlog_order_commits binlog_max_flush_queue_time binlog_checksum binlog_cache_size log_bin_use_v1_row_events log_bin_index log_bin_basename log_bin log-bin 바이너리 로그 sql_log_off general_log_file general_log option file MySQL Account MySQL Engine Binary 본 설치 소스 rpm version storage engine 스토리지 엔진 쿼리 수행 쿼리 수행 경로 내부 구조 table flush waiting for table flush MySQL 5.6 replication new feature multi-thread replication multi-threaded slave multi thread replication slave_parallel_workers replication gap seconds_behind_master second_behind_master libtcmalloc_minimal.so LD_PRELOAD glib malloc-lib cluster 7.3 cluster 7.5 key cache 키 캐쉬 쿼리 캐쉬 straight_join force index ignore index use index mysql 힌트 mysql hint mysql order by mysql filesort mysql index 사용하기 mysql index 실행계획 @@profiling mysql profiling mysql profile mysql explain partitions mysql explain extended mysql explain MyISAM structure InnoDB internal structure myisam internal myisam internal structure MySQL internal structure MySQL Structure .mylogin.cnf mysql login file login file mysql_config_editor innodb page structure InnoDB page InnoDB internal mult-source maria mult-source maria mult-source replication maria multi-soure maria multi source utf8_general_ci character set collation mysql collation mysql character set mysql character mysql heartbeat mon 1.2.0 monitoring system mysql ha mon. dual-master replication dual-master dual master dual master replication semi synchronus replication Semi synchronus MySQL Ver 5.5 Replication Semi Replication innodb dynamic control innodb truncate table innodb strict mode InnoDB 1.0 innodb Ver 1.1 innodb thread concurrency innodb spin lock innodb crash recovery innodb asynchronuous io on linux innodb lock innodb insert buffer innodb adaptive hash index innodb multiple background io thread innodb group commit innodb scalability innodb performance innodb 1.1 성능개선 innodb information_schema Innodb row format MySQL version 5.5 myql 5.5 innodb plugin mysql excel mysql & excel mysql for excel mysql dual replication replicate_do_table replicate_do_db mysql partition restriction mysql lock pruning mysql partition lock pruning partition pruning mysql partition pruning partition selection index structure InnoDB index structure InnoDB index physical structure mysql replication reset reset slave all reset replication reset slave mysql access mysqlaccess myisam fulltext dump myisam fulltext myisam tool myisam_ftdump mysql_ftdump myisam ftdump innodb checksum tool innodb checksum innodb tool innodb check tool innochecksum mysql partitioning locking mysql partition locking mysql partitioning lock mysql partition lock mysql partition 함수 제약사항 mysql partition 함수 mysql partition function mysql function partition mysql partition 제약 mysql partition pk uk mysql partition uk mysql partition pk mysql 파티션 UK mysql 파티션 PK mysql 파티션 제약 partition 제약 파티션 제약사항 파티션 제약 delete partition update partition select partition partitioning selection mysql selection pruning mysql partiton pruning mysql pruning information_schema.partitions partition information mysql partition info mysql partition 정보 Partition 정보 truncate partition check partition repair partition analyze partition optimize partition rebuild partition mysql exchange subpartition mysql exchange partition exchange subpartition exchange partition mysql Partition 관리 range and list partition mysql partition management InnoDB tablespace sturcture page structure InnoDB extent 구조 InnoDB page 구조 InnoDB space 구조 InnoDB tablespace 구조 database page corruption or a failed page corrupted page corrupt InnoDB: unable to find a record to delete-mark innodb page corrupted innodb page corrupt partitioning null partition null mysql partitioning null mysql partition null mysql subpartitioning mysql subpartition subpartition subpartitioning mysql key partitioning key partitioning mysql linear linear partition linear hash partition linear hash mysql linear hash partition mysql hash slowquery log mysql slowquery log mysqldumpslow mysqhotcopy range columns list columns partition columns columns partition mysql columns mysql list mysqlslap show command mysql show mysqlshow load data infile mysql import mysql check mysql shutdown mysql delimiter mysql prompt mysql client tool mysql binlog binarylog undo Tablespace mysql group by Expired MVCC mysql buffer mysql insert buffer innodb double write buffer double write buffer double write secondary index insert chage buffer LOAD DATA MySQL News Letter MySQL news MySQL Newsletter KST mysql connection 밀리세컨드 automatic_sp_privileges binlog error binary log error Can't init tc log Could not open log file Failed to open log The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size MySQL 5.1.44 binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates replication error relay log 4장 시험 3장 시험 mysql 쪽지 시험 mysql 기초 공부 Time Zone mysql 초기화 log-bin-trust-routine-creators log_bin_trust_function_creators stored function mysqlimport repair table check table USER_PRIVILEGES triggers TABLE_PRIVILEGES TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TABLES schema_privileges SCHEMATA ROUTINES REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS unique constraint foreigh key constraint 동시 insert delayed Insert batch job mysql batch deadlock detected show engine innodb status backup error hotbackup mysql hotbackup innodb hotbackup ibbackup ibbackup error meta data system catalog load index into cache cache index user_resources flush user_resources table with read lock flush tables with read lock flush table flush status flush query cache flush privileges flush host des_key_file flush des_key_file flush 구문 show warnings show variables show triggers show table status show status show slave hosts show scheduler status show database show procedure status show procedure code show privileges show plugins show open tables show master status show index show grants show function status show function code show events show errors show engines show engine show create view show create trigger show create table show create procedure show create function show create event show create database show contributors show columns show collation show character set show binlog events show binary logs show authors set names set character set read committed read uncommitted set transaction isolation level User defined variable variable 수정 session variable Coordinate system 환경 변수 mysql 접근에러 mysqladmin mysqld_safe FROM clause keyring optimize table variables page level lock row level lock table level lock row lock table lock 트랜잭션 관리 트랜잭션 동시성 제어 동시성 제어 page lock write lock read lock exclusive lock shared lock slowquery host table user table mysql schema Client 접근 프로세스 접근 프로세스 access process rename user mysql database show view replication slave replication client lock tables grant option create view create temporary tables MySL 설치 방법 MySQL Proxy MySQL Tools MySQL Workbench MySQL Server MySQL 제품군 Generally Available MySQL RC MySQL GA MySQL Version MySQL 아키텍쳐 mysql architecture mysql command tool 사용자 정의 data directory datadir base directory mysqlcheck euckr_korean_ci polygon New Feature Logs REVOKE TEMPORARY TABLE UNDO SEGMENT 실행계획 MGA global variable status traditional views MySQL 명령어 Touches alter cluster SERIALIZABLE 바이너리 Usage Statistics Profiling 라이선스 THD metadata boundary malloc show tables show databases safe DB Table Constraint Cartesian Curve NULL temptable characterset 리플리케이션 제약조건 Prepare Dimension unsafe encoding slc Instance Statement Float Deadlock 메모리 구조 References Upgrade Process 2013 5.5 설치하기 json reload shutdown fraction stored procedure Row Flush insert Source tablespace Unicode compile Create General DCL DDL Kill retired Update year bmp session select Storage Parameters acid transaction index 형변환 Undo 4.0 5.0 security 라이센스 DROP password const 제품 global Version File EVENT line KEY All Command Profile DOUBLE delete 구조 설치 character memory mixed log SHOW